I got nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award!

I’d like to thank LyndaMichele for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award! I am glad that you find my blog “informative, fun, and inspiring”. You should go check out her blog, too. I love how she captures the beauty of nature and the things around her through photography.

Here are the guidelines for accepting this award:

1.Link back to the blogger who nominated you.  2.Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere. 3.Tell them 7 facts about yourself. 4.Nominate 15 other blogs you like for this award. 5.Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated.

So, in accordance to the rules of the award, here are 7 facts about myself (this is the hardest part!):

1. I grew up in the northwestern most town of the Philippines – Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte.

2. I am afraid of snakes!

3. I love photography.

4. I love the beach.

5. I want to learn how to surf and dive.

6. I am currently reading A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin.

7. My greatest dream is to be a pilot.


Here are my nominees:

1. Storytelling Nomad

2. That’s How I See The World

3. Sadie & Dasie

4. Clotildajamcracker

5. Stories of My Wandering Feet (& Mind)

6. Millie on Her World

7. A Word In Your Ear

8. The Resplendent Life

9. Second Lunch

10. California Pixie

11. Maftravelgraphy

12. The Ego Tripper

13. Illumylife

14. My office is the road, my service is the carabao

15. The Alternate Economy


Posted on June 16, 2012, in Etcetera and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Thank you so much…

  2. Thank you kindly, and big congrats on the award! P.S. I’m afraid of snakes too… *shudder*

  3. Congrats on the award! 🙂
    and thanks for passing it on

  4. Thank you once again…

  1. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award | imexcited

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  3. Pingback: Awards, Rectums, and Uteri « My Life on the N-List

  4. Pingback: The Apology… « That's how I see the world

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