Daily Archives: October 2, 2011

28/ Twenty Eight

In math, it is the second perfect number, a harmonic divisor number, and a happy number.

In science, it is the atomic mass of silicon, the atomic number of nickel, and the fourth magic number in physics.

In astrology, it is the revolution time of the surface of the Sun on itself and the number of Chinese constellations.

In Hebrew Numerology, it corresponds to the word koakh, meaning “power”, “energy”.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/28_(number)

A few minutes from now, I’ll be turning 28! As I bid farewell to my 27th year and welcome my 28th, I look back and thank God because I have been so much blessed.

It seems like it was only yesterday when I was a child full of hope and longing for the future. I still remember my childhood days playing and laughing… without cares… without problems. I remember the first time I slept in my own bed… in this same bed I’m lying in now, in this very room… some 20 years ago. Two decades have passed and not much has changed in this room. I still have the same bed, the same closet, the same chair, the same bookshelves. I love this room, this house, this place. I won’t ever get tired of coming back here. Thank you, God, for 9855 days of goodness and blessings!

For 27 years, so much has been said and done and so much has been learned. My journey has so far been great!  But there’s more to this life that what has been. The future holds a great promise of love, learnings, hope, and life.

On my 28th birthday, I pray fervently…

– for great teachers and mentors to guide me

– for love to keep me safe and warm

– for a job and vocation that will bring out the best in me

– for a strong and healthy body to keep me going

– for problems and trials to keep my faith stronger

– for good friends to celebrate good and bad times with

– for a grateful heart that always counts blessings, even those that come in the form of trials

– for loving and understanding parents

– for wisdom from the Holy Spirit to guide me in my decisions, and

– for God’s will to be done in my life. Amen.

HAPPY 28th!

By the way, my dad and I share the same birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD! I thank God for you. ❤